德国名人舌头涂国旗 呼吁学习德语(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月27日 16:14   国际在线
德国名人舌头涂国旗 呼吁学习德语
德国名人舌头涂国旗 呼吁学习德语

  According to the CRI Online of October 20, celebrities from Germany's various classes jointly launched a campaign to urge immigrants to learn German more, which could promote integration of immigrants in Germany。


  The campaign was initiated by Deusch Foundation. And a set of posters about these celebrities were taken, in which they painted their tongues with black, red and golden colors representing national flag of Germany。


  The campaign was initiated by Deusch Foundation. And a set of posters about these celebrities were taken, in which they painted their tongues with black, red and golden colors representing national flag of Germany。



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