保罗去世仍具商业价值 将推个人传记

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月28日 14:03   环球时报


  章鱼保罗,它生于英国,在德国长大,保罗在南非世界杯上已经“成功预测”了德国胜澳大利亚、加纳,输给塞尔维亚的小组赛赛果。它预测的欧洲杯的赛事,命中率也有8成。出道两年的章鱼保罗在2008欧洲杯和2010世界杯两届大赛中,预测14次猜对13次、成功率飙升至 92%,堪称不折不扣的“章鱼帝”。2010年8月23日章鱼保罗再续世界杯之缘,成英格兰2018年世界杯的申办大使。2010年当地时间10月25晚间(北京时间10月26日上午)章鱼保罗在德国的奥博豪森水族馆去世,享年2岁半。

  He probably saw it coming. But for fans of Paul the psychic octopus, the news of his sudden death yesterday was a shock. The British-born oracle, who dazzled the world with his accurate World Cup predictions over the summer, passed away peacefully in his tank in Germany。


  His owners – who turned down lucrative offers for the octopus from zoos and restaurants around the world – say he died of natural causes, and that there was nothing fishy about his end. Paul passed away in the night aged two and a half years, when all three of his hearts ceased to beat at once. He was unmarried and leaves no larvae。


  ‘Paul delighted people from all continents with his seven consecutive correct predictions for the matches of the German national team and for the final,’ said the aquarium’s general manager, Stefan Porwoll. ‘He was dear to all our hearts and we will sorely miss him. He died peacefully in the night of a natural death。

  怀念章鱼保罗的球迷们都对它的“神算”崇拜得五体投地,保罗在进行德国国家队的7场比赛以及世界杯决赛的预测时达到了100%命中率。养育保罗的水族馆经理Stefan Porwoll说:“我们会十分想念保罗的,保罗离开的时候很安详。”

  Paul will achieve immortality in a range of enterprises, from clothing lines to mobile phone applications. He will also feature in a documentary to be released next year. His final prediction was that England would win the right to host the World Cup in 2018.



  octopus n. 章鱼


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