According to the Daily Mail of October 28, Italian guy Francisco Domingo Joaquim's 6.69 inches wide mouth has earned him the title of the "World's Widest Mouth" by the Guinness Book of World Records. Known as the Angolan Jaw of Awe, he can fit a whole can of pop in his mouth sideways。 据英国《每日邮报》28日报道,意大利男子弗兰西斯科-多明戈-若阿金6.69英寸(约17厘米)宽的大嘴为他赢得了“世界最宽嘴”之称,并荣登《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》。弗兰西斯科外号“安哥拉惊悚嘴”,他可以将整个饮料罐横向塞进嘴里。 网友评论
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