
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月30日 21:22   沪江英语

  Dead Frida


  John M. of Walnut Creek, California used a Dremel to carve this Frida Kahlo-inspired original design. As portraits go, we've seen quite a few traditional ones, but this Tim Burton-esque rendering puts John a creative cut above the rest。


  May the Force be With You


  Star Wars fans are sure to appreciate this Death Star carving by Noel D. in Centreville, Virginia. "I use various wood working tools, little pumpkin carving saws, and clay loop tools for my carvings," he says. Noel is a real—ahem— Stormtrooper for getting through this carve; though the design breaks down into simple geometric shapes, attention to placement and the 360-degree nature of the piece make it a real labor of love。


  Here's Where the Wild Things Are!


  "In honor of the movie version of possibly the greatest children's book ever, I decided to make a carving of one of the wild things from Where the Wild Things Are," said Tom K. of St. Louis, Missouri. He used a sharp X-Acto knife to chip away at the pumpkin surface, then cut the spent bits into 3-D ears, leaving us to echo the wild things when they said, "Oh, please don't go—we'll eat you up—we love you so!"


  For the Birds


  This Hitchcock-inspired masterpiece by Karyn T. in Saginaw, Texas, is a fragile piece of work. The lack of flesh between birds means less support to the pumpkin wall, so you've got to punch out bits with extreme care to prevent collapse. "The pattern itself was fairly simple but the detail nearly made my hand fall off!" Karyn said. "I used the simple tools that you can get at any grocery store, along with some wood carving tools."

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