
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月01日 11:55   环球网

  Scientists at The University of Manchester have developed a software for mobile phones that can track your facial features in real-time. Eventually it will be able to tell who the user is, where they are looking and even how they are feeling。


  The method is believed to be unrivalled for speed and accuracy and could lead to facial recognition replacing passwords to log into internet sites from a mobile phone。


  "Existing mobile face trackers give only an approximate position and scale of the face," said Dr Phil Tresadern, lead researcher on the project. He said the new model has a camera on the front and captures a video of the user's face and tracks twenty-two facial features. "This can make face recognition more accurate, and has great potential for novel ways of interacting with your phone."


  Face verification is already used in laptops and webcams but this is the first time the technology is being used with such sophistication in mobile devices such as smartphones。


  The new software, built on 20 years of research at the University, has been demonstrated on a Nokia N900 for the EU-funded "Mobile Biometrics" (MoBio) project。



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