
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月01日 12:06   环球时报

  According to the Daily Telegraph of October 28, a diet rich in saturated fats, such like fried bacon, sausages, butter and cream - could cut the sperm count by almost half, found researchers at Harvard Medical School in the US。

  Their study discovered that it did not matter if the man was fat or thin - such a diet had the same negative effect on sperm concentration。

  Dr Jill Attaman and colleagues looked at 91 men seeking fertility treatment and asked them how often they ate certain foods, what types of oil they used in cooking and baking and the types of margarine they consumed。

  Overall, men with the highest saturated fat intake consumed 13 percent of their daily calories as saturated fat, while those in the lowest took in eight percent。

  The study concluded: "Men in the highest third saturated fat intake had 41 percent fewer sperm than those in the lowest third."

  Dr Jill Attaman said diet could have a greater impact on ability to father a child among men with a lower base level of sperm concentration。

  While the exact reasons for the apparent link between diet and sperm quality remain unclear, she said that "dietary modifications could be beneficial for global health as well as reproductive health"。









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