牛津新生穿尿不湿 玩虐婴游戏引非议This is the shocking scene as dozens of girl students at Oxford University dressed up as babies and 'chav' teenage mothers in a degrading initiation ceremony。 大家可能不会相信,这一张“大学生穿尿布、扮母亲虐婴儿”的照片的拍摄地点竟然是闻名世界的牛津大学。据悉,这是牛津大学“某学生组织”的入会仪式。 First-year members of the lacrosse team were forced to wear nappies, suck on dummies and drink alcohol from baby bottles during the bizarre proceedings. Shocking pictures of the 'Babies and Teenage Mums' themed event - which appeared on Facebook - also showed student freshers rolling on the floor wearing nappies。 这一“诡异”的入会仪式被牛津学生发布在脸谱网上,该学生透露,为了加入长曲棍球队,大一新生被迫穿上“尿不湿”、嘴上“叼着”装满酒精的奶瓶在地板上“扮婴儿”。此外,入会的过程也被参与者“冠以”主题:“婴儿与年轻的妈妈”。 Meanwhile older students - who played the role of 'chav' mums - wore tracksuits and gold jewellery while smoking and shouting abuse at their 'babies'. During the ceremony, which took place on Wednesday night, the younger girls had to sit on the older student's laps and be 'fed' baby bottles full of booze。 在仪式中,稍微年长的学生会扮演“白痴母亲”的角色,他们会身穿运动服、戴上金首饰并边抽烟边对“假扮的婴儿”(新生)大吼大叫。令人恶心的是,新生还必须“坐在”老学生的腿上扮演婴儿,并接受老学生的“哺乳”。 Around 60 senior and new members of the team attended the event, which started in a student house before moving to several pubs and clubs in Oxford where the freshers were made to drink cocktails from baby bottles. Each fresher - who was assigned a 'mother' - was then forced to lie on the filthy ground wearing just T-shirts and nappies which were strapped to their bodies with parcel tape。 据悉,该学生组织的成员已经达到了60人,想要入会的“新生”必须要穿尿不湿,并从奶瓶“饮用”酒水,此外,而被分配任务扮演母亲的新生,也必须躺在肮脏的地板上身穿T恤以及与体型不成比例的尿不湿才能入会。 A student who attended the ceremony said: 'The whole event got a bit out of hand and Jane and the other senior members of the team were almost competing with each other to see who could be most cruel to the babies。 有入会的学生透露,整个仪式完全“过火”了,因为有一些资格较老的学生竟然“相互竞争”谁在对待“婴儿”更残酷。 Vocabulary: chav n. 傻帽;衣着通俗没文化的年轻人;教育程度不高并有反社会或者不道德行为倾向的人 网友评论
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