暮光之城吸血鬼化妆派对 好礼送女友The British actor will splash out £30,000 on the party in Louisiana this weekend and is having fancy-dress costumes made specifically for the occasion, according to reports。 罗伯特·帕丁森正和同伴们一起在路易斯安那拍摄《暮光之城》系列的最后一部《破晓》,据悉他在这个万圣节的周末自掏腰包3万英镑,为伙伴们主持了一场别开生面的化妆派对。 'Rob knows how much the crew love Halloween, so he's really gone to town,' a friend of Pattinson told the Daily Star。 帕丁森圈中好友透露:“罗伯特知道伙伴们都很喜欢过万圣节,所以他就破财了咯!” 'The crew are huge fans of Rob and are really looking forward to it,' the insider added。 “剧组成员也有不少他的粉丝,所以也都很是期待。” Known to his fans as R-Patz, the 24-year-old made his name as the star of the cult vampire movie series and is thought to have selected a Dracula outfit for himself。 24岁的罗伯特·帕丁森因为出演吸血鬼而成名,在派对上他则将扮成最经典的吸血鬼德科拉伯爵。 Pattinson is also planning to celebrate Halloween by giving his girlfriend and co-star Kristen Stewart a special gift。 而据悉,他也将在万圣节上给自己戏里戏外的女朋友斯图亚特一份特别的礼物。 The source said the heartthrob has picked out a vintage gold ring with a red heart for Stewart and will present it to her just before the party begins。 线人透露说这位大众情人为斯图亚特选了一款古典的金戒指,上面镶有一颗红心,准备在派对前送给佳人哦。 娱乐学英语: go to town 挥霍 heartthrob 大众情人 vintage 古典的 网友评论
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