
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月04日 19:10   环球时报

  Spanish women are the world's greatest flirts, according to the social network Badoo.com, which studied "flirtation behavior" based on 90 million romantic contacts made on its site in a month。

  The resulting "World Flirtation League" ranked 20 countries by the number of contacts with a man initiated by the women in each country. Spanish women topped the table by a comfortable stretch, making an average of 1.33 contacts per month. Just behind came Poland, the Dominican Republic, Italy and Argentina - with Latin countries, speaking either Spanish, Italian, or Portuguese, holding eight of the top 10 places。

  Canada was the highest-ranking English-speaking country, in ninth place. Germany ranked 12th in the table, Britain 14th, France 17th and the United States a lowly second from last, according to Badoo。

  Overall, Badoo found that men were still far more likely than women to make the first move, both in Spain and elsewhere。

  And if Spanish women are the world's biggest flirts, the study authors suggested, then their menfolk also win an honorary title: that of "the world's luckiest" men。







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