阿汤嫂布拉格遭街拍 母女爱美不怕冷(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月05日 15:25   国际在线
阿汤嫂布拉格遭街拍 母女爱美不怕冷(图)
阿汤嫂布拉格遭街拍 母女爱美不怕冷(图)

  Katie Holmes carries her daughter, Suri, as they explore the city of Prague together on Thursday (September 23) in the Czech Republic。

  The 31-year-old actress and her 4-year-old daughter went toy shopping around the city for the day! Dad Tom Cruise is in town shooting the latest installment of the Mission: Impossible franchise。

  Over the weekend, Suri dressed up as a princess and went trick-or-treated with Katie!



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