印度孟买摘光椰子 防止奥巴马被砸

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月07日 15:54   环球时报

  India is preparing for Barack Obama's first visit to the country by removing coconuts from palm trees in Mumbai to protect the US president。

  Obama will arrive in India on Saturday for the first leg of an Asian tour. But as well as the usual security measures that come with welcoming a visiting dignitary, Indian authorities have decided to go one step further, by removing all natural threats to the president as well。

  All coconuts around the city's Gandhi museum, one of Obama's stops in the city, are being taken down. Mani Bhavan, where Mahatma Gandhi stayed during his freedom struggle against the British, is among five places the US president is visiting in Mumbai。

  Every year in India people are injured or even killed by falling coconuts. And Obama, still smarting from heavy losses in the midterm elections, will visit India, Indonesia, South Korea, Japan and China on the 10-day tour。






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