杰克逊逝世一周年 奥普拉首访其家人Their lives were shrouded in secrecy for most of their childhood, their identities a fiercely guarded secret behind masks enforced by their paranoid father. Now, Prince, 13, Paris, 12, and Blanket, eight, have now taken the next step and are going public with an exclusive interview with Oprah Winfrey to be shown this Monday。 他们的大部分童年都在“秘密”环境中成长的,而他们小时候被父亲小心翼翼保护着,即使不是万圣节,平时也要戴上“面具”出门。他们就是迈克·杰克逊的儿女:13岁的Prince、12岁Paris以及8岁的Blanket。掐指一算,迈克尔已经离开我们一周年了,他的儿女过得究竟如何呢?著名脱口秀主持人奥普拉采访到了他们,来看看他们究竟过得怎么样吧。 In the sit-down, which was filmed at the Jackson home in Encino, California, last weekend, Mrs Jackson will open up about the day the music icon died in June last year。 采访的拍摄地点位于迈克尔·杰克逊位于加利福利亚的家中,采访的主题会围绕着杰克逊自从去年7月去世后他的家人的生活进行。 The children look remarkably happy, healthy and well-adjusted as they chat to Oprah just over a year since the death of their father stunned the world。 采访中,我们可以比较“欣慰”地看到,这3个可爱的孩子脸上又露出了笑容,他们很健康。在接受奥普拉访问的时候,状态不错。 The highly anticipated interview is one of a string of sought-after exclusives produced by Harpo for Oprah's final season。 据悉,这期拥有高收视率的电视访问是主持人奥普拉一手创立的“哈普公司”策划的主题,奥普拉也希望这个吸引眼球的“重磅炸弹”能为节目带来新一波观众。 网友评论
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