
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月08日 20:28   国际在线

  Though she's attached to that recent Species-like erotic sci-fi film Under the Skin, the stunning Scarlett Johansson was still in consideration for a lead female role in Baz Luhrmann's adaptation of The Great Gatsby and Cameron Crowe's forthcoming adaptation of We Bought a Zoo. For now, she's at least snagged one of them as Deadline reports Johansson is in final negotiations to join Matt Damon in the latter of those two adaptations. The story from a memoir from Benjamin Mee follow's the author's own family that bought a rundown mansion in the English countryside which included the 30-acre Dartmoor Wildlife Park, home to over 200 animals。

  尽管已经有报道称斯嘉丽-约翰逊即将在香艳的科幻电影《Under the Skin》现身,但目前这位风情万种的明星正在考虑在另一部影片中担任女主角。导演卡梅伦-克罗即将开拍由经典影片《了不起的盖茨比》所改变的电影《动物园》,而斯嘉丽-约翰逊与剧组商讨合约一事已进入了最后阶段,她将有望加盟男星马特-达蒙,共同出演。电影故事改编自本杰明-米的回忆录,作者一家买下了英国的一处乡村,其中包括了三十英亩的达特穆尔野生动物园,其中生活了超过两百只野生动物。

  Johansson beat out other equally talented and beautiful actresses like Amy Adams and Rachel McAdams to take the role in Crowe's adaptation which he also scripted with Aline Brosh McKenna (The Devil Wears Prada, Morning Glory). Apparently Johansson was also in the running to replace the recently departed Natalie Portman in the adaptation of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, but with this role now becoming official, her involvement seems rather unlikely. Honestly, aside from her mind-blowing attractiveness, Johansson's talent makes her more appealing than other glorified Hollywood beauties like Megan Fox, so I'll watch her in anything. Sound good?

  据称,斯嘉丽一举击败了包括了艾米-亚当斯和瑞秋-麦克亚当斯在内女星,最终获得了这一角色,由《时尚女魔头》的艾莲-布洛什-麦肯纳负责改编剧本。还有消息称,斯嘉丽-约翰逊或顶替娜塔莉-波曼,演出电影《Pride and Prejudice and Zombies》,不过是否能成形,还需电影公司最后确认。


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