
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月09日 13:42   中国日报网-英语点津

  They have a reputation for looking particularly uncomfortable in public. But being in the Brazilian party capital Rio De Janeiro seems to have momentarily affected Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson。


  The normally sombre pair cheerily waved to fans from their hotel balcony this afternoon, and even performed a short dance. They both wore sunglasses and were dressed casually with Stewart, 20, wearing denim shorts and a white vest top and Pattinson, 24, in a red T-shirt。


  The pair, who are rumoured to be dating, are in the Brazilian city to film honeymoon scenes for the next Twilight film Breaking Dawn. And they were clearly enjoying taking the opportunity to relax before they embarked on a night shoot in the evening。



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