双语:付出劳动越多 食物越美味

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月10日 12:38   环球时报

  According to the Daily Telegraph of November 8, the feeling that you have earned a reward actually increases the pleasure you take from it, a new study suggests。

  Now the authors believe this principle could be used to train people to like more healthy food over sugary and fatty snacks。

  Alexander Johnson, a psychologist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, said: "Basically, what we have shown is that if you have to expend more effort to get a certain food, not only will you value that food more, but it might even taste better to you. At present, we don't know why effort seems to boost the taste of food, but we know that it does, and this effect lasts for at least 24 hours after the act of working hard to get the food."

  The study seems to suggest that hard work can even enhance our appreciation for fare we might not favour, such as the low-fat, low calorie variety。

  The experiments, published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, were on mice but it is believed they are transferable to humans。

  Mr. Johnson said: "We then analysed the way in which the mice consumed the food. Why did we do this? Because food intake can be driven by a variety of factors including how it tastes, how hungry the mice were beforehand and how 'sated' or full the food made them feel."

  Mr. Johnson and Professor Gallagher used licking behavior as a measure of the rodents' enjoyment of their treats。

  It found the mice that had to work harder for their low-calorie rewards were more likely to keep licking their lips and savouring it。



  巴里摩尔约翰•霍普金斯大学心理学家Alexander Johnson表示:"我们的研究结果基本上显示,人们不仅会更加珍惜通过辛勤努力获取的食物,而且会觉得食物更加香甜可口。目前,我们尚未了解为什么劳动会让食物尝起来更加美味,然而事实的确如此。通过劳动努力获取食物的成就感会持续至少24小时。"

  这项研究似乎表明,我们可能会更加珍惜努力劳动换取的食物,即使是那些我们并不喜欢的食物, 如低脂肪、低热量食品。



  Johnson 先生和Gallagher教授用动物的舔舐行为来判断他们享受美食的快乐程度。



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