
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月10日 16:44   国际在线

  Pregnant women who take painkillers such as paracetamol, aspirin and ibuprofen could put their unborn sons at risk of fertility problems, researchers warn。


  The study, by researchers from Denmark, Finland and France, looked at two groups of women who were questioned about their use of medication in pregnancy. The baby boys were examined at birth for any signs that the testes had failed to move into the scrotum before birth, ranging from mild to severe forms of the disorder。


  The study shows using the drugs during pregnancy may increase the risk of boys having undescended testicles, which can lead to poor sperm quality and testicular cancer in later life. Women who used more than one type of painkiller simultaneously at any time while pregnant increased the risk seven-fold, on average。


  But the most vulnerable stage is when a woman is between four and six months pregnant. Paracetamol doubled the risk, while ibuprofen or aspirin increased it four-fold. And using two painkillers together during this period increased the risk 16-fold, according to the study, published yesterday, in Europe's leading reproductive medicine journal Human Reproduction。


  However, Professor Richard Sharpe, of the Medical Research Council, said: "It is important to say it was prolonged use of painkillers that had the biggest effect. Taking one or two painkillers occasionally for a headache is not going to affect the baby."



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