
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月11日 18:14   环球时报

  Single fellas looking for a girlfriend would prefer a lady who's trim and slim. But according to a survey, although many women would have to survive on salad to keep the shape three-quarters of men would like, nine in ten men expect their perfect partner to be happy to tuck into a big lunch too。

  And there is another contradiction from the poll of 3,000 bachelors: Although many found women who have a degree and earn more than they do attractive, more than half would also like to date a woman who wants to settle down with children rather than pursue a career。

  Nicole Clowes, of UKDating.com, which conducted the poll, said: "There are a few contradictions, which might make it hard for men to get their ideal date. There is some confusion about whether men would like to date a high earner or someone who is prepared to stay at home with children."

  "There aren't many women who can tuck into a mountain of food every day and stay trim."






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