爱玛告别哈利波特 笑称自己已退休

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月12日 15:36   国际在线

  Emma Watson just finished filming Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Parts I and II, the seventh and eighth movies in the wizarding franchise, and the end of the life-changing experience is still sinking in。

  She said: “I’m going to say something really sad. Knowing that there's still more to come from me -- it feels very strange to feel like you're retiring when you're 20 years old. But it does feel that way. I've spent 10 years making these movies and I just hope that the second part of my life is as incredible as the first half。”

  Though she is sad about the end of filming, Emma will have a permanent reminder of her stint after revealing she has a “serious collection” of bibles which she is often sent by well-meaning fans。

  She explained on UK TV show Daybreak: “I think people just think we need guidance, you know? It is slightly strange, I do have quite a serious collection of them now。”


  The brunette beauty also spoke about how much she is enjoying student life at Brown University。

  She said: “I work hard, I work really hard. I do really enjoy it so that helps。”



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