女人每日两杯果汁 痛风可能性增加一倍

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月12日 18:35   环球时报

  According to the Daily Mail on November 11, women who drink just two glasses of orange juice a day are twice as likely to get gout, scientists claim。

  Gout, a form of arthritis, affects 1.5 percent of Britons, with men four times more likely to suffer from the condition. But the number of female cases has doubled in the last 20 years。

  Experts believe the high fruit sugar, or fructose, content of juice causes uric acid - a waste product in the blood - to leach into joints, causing them to become swollen and very painful。

  The University of Boston study followed the diet habits of 80,000 women over 22 years. Those who drank a daily glass of orange juice were 41 percent more at risk of gout. Those who had two or more were 2.4 times at risk。

  Women who had a daily can of a soft drink were 70 percent more likely to get gout. Those who had two were 2.4 times more at risk - the same as juice. The results 'support the importance of reducing fructose intake', the experts said。







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