
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月12日 18:43   环球时报

  Psychologists at Harvard University have discovered that we are happiest when we are "living in the moment". However, daydreaming, contemplating the future and raking over the past take up nearly half of our waking hours, they said. They claim that our minds wander 46.9 percent of the time and it is these moments which make us most unhappy。

  Our lives are most enjoyable and content when we are completely focused on the job in hand–even more than when we are daydreaming about pleasant thoughts. This is most likely to happen when we are having sex, exercising or in intense conversations with friends, they discovered. And, listening to music and playing also helped take us out of our heads。

  On the other hand the mind wanders most when we are resting, working or using our home computer. Activities such as reading, doing the housework and watching television appear to be almost neutral in their effect on our minds。

  Professor Matthew Killingsworth, co-author of this study, invented an iPhone application that randomly questioned 2,250 volunteers from all over the world at different intervals of the day about their levels of happiness, what they were doing and what they were thinking about. Each time the participants, aged between 18 and 88, were asked to select one of 22 general activities and record how happy they were while doing it。

  "Human beings are unique in their ability to focus on the non-present–to learn from the past, anticipate and plan for the future and even imagine about things that may not happen at all." He said, like many religions and philosophies, the report suggested it was "living in the moment" that offered us most happiness。







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