
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月13日 17:02   中国日报网-英语点津


 Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron holds his baby daughter, Florence Rose Endellion Cameron, in Cornwall, western England, August 28, 2010. (Agencies)  Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron holds his baby daughter, Florence Rose Endellion Cameron, in Cornwall, western England, August 28, 2010. (Agencies)

  British Prime Minister David Cameron joked on Thursday that getting away from home for the G20 summit would allow him to catch up on his sleep after the birth of his baby daughter。

  "Everyone else has come to Korea for a summit or a business meeting. I've come just for a good night's sleep," Cameron told delegates at a business summit。

  Cameron and his wife Samantha had a daughter, Florence, in August and also have two other young children。

  Cameron is on a gruelling five-day trip which began with an overnight flight from London and a 36-hour visit to China。

  The prime minister, who has a quick wit, earlier joked that he was spending more time at the summit promoting England's bid to host the 2018 World Cup than he was on core G20 issues。

  The gathering opened in the South Korean capital Seoul amid widespread skepticism about it making any significant progress。

  British officials expect the most positive outcome will be keeping a dialogue open between world leaders on the global economy rather than agreeing any significant deal。

  Others expect the gathering – which is costing hundreds of millions of pounds to stage – will be little more than a talking shop. Mr Cameron was forced to dismiss accusations that Britain was “a mere spectator” at a ­summit that will be dominated by China and America. He said: “No, I don’t accept that. I mean, there are some good things that Britain is getting into this G20 summit。”

  Britain was pressing for a free trade area in Africa to support economic growth and calling for the restarting of global trade talks。

  The PM admitted the summit was unlikely to make progress on “the biggest issue of all” – the economic imbalance between the struggling Western countries and the booming East – but insisted: “It is worth being here。”


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