2006多哈亚运会主题曲Together Now

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月15日 13:01   中国日报网-英语点津
2006多哈亚运会主题曲Together Now  媒体来源:新浪播客

  Can you hear it hear the sound

  The sound of thunder rolling in

  A thousand drummers on a breath of wind

  The sound of footsteps beating down

  Coming closer nearer now

  The tribes that gather like a storm across the sky

  With banners flying in the sun

  The colours bleeding into one

  Step by step, one by one

  We come together now

  Can you feel it the kiss of wind

  The wind of change that fans the flame

  A flame that lights up like a storm against the sky

  Repeat (*)

  Across the seas and desert sands

  The people reaching out their hands

  Step by step, one by one

  We come together now

  Step by step, one by one

  We come together now

  Now that the time has come

  This moment in the sun

  A new day breaks with the dawn

  Across an ancient land

  Can you hear it hear the sound

  Can you feel it feel the flame

  A flame that lights up like a storm against the sky

  (Repeat *)

  Across the seas and desert sands

  A nation reaches out its hands

  Step by step, one by one

  We come together now

  Step by step, one by one

  We come together now

  Step by step, one by one

  We come together now









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