
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月15日 13:12   中国日报网-英语点津

  The mascots of Guangzhou Asia Games, collectively known as le yangyang, are five cute and playful friends - a xiang, a he, a ru, a yi and le yangyang. When their names are spoken together - xiang he ru yi le yangyang – it literally means “auspiciousness and joy”, in Chinese。

  The mascots represent the hope that the Guangzhou Asian Games will bring auspiciousness, harmony, happiness, success and joy, to the people of Asia and that the vision of the 16th Asian Games - a “thrilling games, harmonious asia” - will be realized, say the organizers。

  The designs of the mascots are strongly inspired by the “legend of the five goats”, a famous story about five benevolent celestial beings that descended from the heavens riding on goats with coats of different colors, each holding an ear of rice in its mouth. this 1000-year-old legend has earned guangzhou its best known nickname of “the city of goats” or even “the city of five goats”。



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