
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月15日 13:14   中国日报网-英语点津

  1. Which Asian Games has Guangzhou obtained the right to host?

  Answer: the 16th

  1. 广州获得了第几届亚运会的主办权?


  2. What is the vision of this Guangzhou Asian Games?

  Answer: "Thrilling Games Harmonious Asia"

  2. 广州亚运会的办会理念是?

  答案:“激情盛会 和谐亚洲”

  3. The emblem of the Guangzhou Asian Games is made up of 3 parts which are the text, the five rams and the sun. What is this idea from?

  Answer: The legend of the five rams

  3. 广州亚运会会徽标示由文字、五羊、太阳三部分组成,它的创意来源于什么?


  4. What is the name of the mascot of the Guangzhou Asian Games?

  Answer: Le Yangyang

  4. 广州亚运会的吉祥物叫什么?


  5. The “A Xiang” of the Guangzhou Asian Games mascots which is coloured in blue as one of the Olympic rings, is the symbol of what?

  Answer: The Pearl River

  5. 广州亚运会吉祥物中的“阿祥”,着色为奥林匹克五环中的蓝色,象征什么?


  6. Which one of the Guangzhou Asian Games mascots coloured in green as one of the Olympic rings is the symbol of the Baiyun Mountain?

  Answer: A Yi

  6. 广州亚运会吉祥物中着色为奥林匹克五环中的绿色,象征白云山的是哪一只?


  7. The mascots of the Guangzhou Asian Games are made up of 5 rams. Their names together express a sentence and what is the meaning of it?

  Answer: Peace, Harmony and Great Happiness, with everything going as you wish

  7. 广州亚运会吉祥物由5只羊组成,他们的命名组成了一句什么话?


  8. When will be the opening and closing time of the Guangzhou Asian Games?

  Answer: November 12nd, 2010; November 27th, 2010

  8. 广州亚运会于何时开幕、闭幕?


  9. "Carry forward the Olympic spirit and promote the Olympic movement in Asia; enhance solidarity, friendship and exchange among Asian countries and regions, and contribute to the establishment of a harmonious Asia." is the of the Guangzhou Asian Games?

  Answer: Mission

  9. “弘扬奥林匹克和亚运精神,促进亚洲各国和地区的团结、友谊和交流,致力于构建和谐亚洲。”是广州亚运会的?


  10. Among all the Asian Games in history, which one has the biggest number of its mascots?

  Answer: the 16th Guangzhou Asian Games

  10. 历届亚运会中吉祥物数量最多的是哪一届?


  11.The “Le Yangyang” of the Guangzhou Asian Games mascots which is coloured in yellow as one of the Olympic rings, is the symbol of what?

  Answer: the host city "city of wheat"

  11. 广州亚运会吉祥物中的“乐羊羊”着色为奥林匹克五环中的黄色,象征什么?


  12.When is the Guangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee (GAGOC) of the 16th Asian Games founded?

  Answer: July 25th, 2005

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