史上首位动漫虚拟歌手办个唱受热捧She is cute, stylish and has had a number one chart-topping single. But Japan’s newest and biggest pop star differs from most of her peers in one crucial aspect: she is a hologram。 她拥有着天使般的面孔、优雅的举止,专辑一经发售就被抢购一空,可惜她与她的音乐同行不一样,她只是日本游戏公司开发的虚拟歌手软件中的主角,也是第一个拥有自己专属声音的动漫人物。 Hatsune Miku has taken the music scene by storm in her native Japan where her concerts are always sold out and are full of screaming, adoring fans. Now, like something out of a science fiction film, videos have emerged which show Miku on tour in Japan, singing a selection of hits。 这款日本音乐软件公司CRYPTON设计的名为“初音未来”的卡通歌后成为“世界上第一个举办演唱会的虚拟偶像”,在日本掀起一阵狂热的音乐风暴。初音未来在个人演唱会上的3D形象以及完美歌喉为她赢来了大批粉丝。 Miku is a digital avatar created by Japanese technology firm Crypton Future Media that customers can purchase and then program to perform any song on their computer. She is supposed to be 16 years old and five foot two inches tall but her makers have given little away about her personality. Crypton uses voices recorded by actors and then puts them through Yamaha’s Vocaloid software to create its characters。 据悉,“初音未来”年仅16岁、身高158厘米、虽是虚拟偶像但却有自己的性格,确切的说,她是雅马哈语音合成引擎为基础的电脑“虚拟歌手软件”。玩家只要在软件中输入音调、歌词,初音未来就能用人声将歌曲准确“唱”出, Miku’s voice was created by taking vocal samples from the voice actress Saki Fujita. All of the samples contained a single Japanese sound which when strung together would create full words and phrases。 “初音未来”的独特魅力在于她是一个“拥有真人声音”的动漫人物,这个原声来自日本配音演员Saki Fujita。据悉,Saki Fujita的声音样本被植入电脑供初音未来选择性“发音”。 Vocabulary: hologram n. 全息图;全息摄影,全息照相 网友评论
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