美国调查:男女交往方式预示恋情结果According to the aolhealth.com on November 16, a research from the University of Kansas found that a person's flirting style can predict success in the romance department。 Researchers found those who use playful and physical styles of flirtation are likely to attract shorter, less serious relationships, whereas polite and sincere flirting could attract a longer term partner。 The findings come from a study of more than 5,100 people looking at the way they communicate their romantic interest。 They filled out a questionnaire about the way they flirted and their relationship history。 Jeffrey Hall, of the University of Kansas, found there were five different types of flirting - traditional, physical, sincere, playful and polite。 The traditional flirts let the man be the initiator and the women play the more demure, coy, passive role. They gravitate toward more "intimate" dating settings。 Physical flirts tend to be forward and direct in communicating their sexual attraction. Their relationships often progress quickly and are generally characterized by a strong emotional and physical connection。 Sincere flirts are genuine in expressing their romantic interest in another person, and polite flirts are chivalrous or coquettish towards the objects of their affection。 But playful flirts, says Hall, are flirting primarily because they like the game and they want to bolster their own self-confidence. And they tend to fail at making serious, long-term relationships work。 "In some ways, the very early part of developing relationships is important to the success of long-term relationships, including marriages," he said。 据国外网站"aolhealth.com"11月16日报道,美国堪萨斯大学一项研究发现,一个人的调情方式会直接影响人们恋爱关系的类型。 研究人员发现,戏谑性的肢体接触类调情易收获短暂、不甚严肃的恋情,而礼貌和真诚的方式更易吸引长期伴侣。 该结论是基于一项针对5100多人就如何看待他们恋爱方式做的调查。 在做问卷调查时,他们填写了各自的调情方式和恋爱史。 美国堪萨斯大学的杰弗瑞•霍尔指出,调情方式可化分为五种类型:传统型、肢体型、真诚型、戏谑型和礼貌型。 传统调情方式是男士主动出击,而女性更加端正、腼腆害羞,处于被动的角色。他们倾向于更"亲密"的约会场景。 肢体型调情者倾向于直接方式,喜欢吹嘘自己魅力,他们总是顺利结交心仪对象,一般和恋人有强烈情感和身体上面的交流。 真诚型调情者感情真挚,向他们心仪对象表达爱慕之情。礼貌性调情者对待他们心仪对象或彬彬有礼或方式更丰富多彩。 霍尔说,戏谑型调情者主要进行调情游戏,他们喜欢吹嘘自己的自信。但是不善于经营一份严肃而长久的感情。 霍尔说:"在某种程度上,发展一段关系的最初阶段对一段长期关系乃至婚姻具有重要意义。" 网友评论
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