
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月18日 11:14   国际在线

  Teenagers who text 120 times a day are more likely to have sex and use drink and drugs, a study has found. Researchers said there was a definite link between excessive messaging and risky behaviour. The authors suggested that those who were 'hyper-texting' were likely to have lax or absent parents。

  有数据显示,发短信频率高的年轻人性欲会比普通人要高、更容易酗酒甚至染上吸毒的恶习。调查者经过证实发现,每日发短信频率过高,若超过120 条的话,容易对年轻人产生不良的影响。据悉,这些“短信狂人”之所以会沉迷于“发信息”都或多或少地受家庭因素影响,是或缺乏父母的关心的缘故。

  The study was based on confidential surveys taken by 4,200 students at 20 high schools in Cleveland. It revealed around one in five students were hyper-texters and about one in nine were hyper-networkers - those who spent three or more hours a day on Facebook and other social networking websites. Both conditions were more common among girls。


  Those who texted at least 120 times a day were nearly three-and-a-half times more likely to have had sex than their peers who didn't text as much. Hyper-texters were also more likely to have been in a physical fight, binge drink, use illegal drugs or take medication without a prescription。



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