反智能手机诞生 玩腻iphone回归简单

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月18日 11:57   国际在线

  You can't access the internet. And it doesn't have a camera or games you can play. In fact, this new mobile phone doesn't even let you send text messages。

  The designers of 'John's Phone' have created a device that has only one function: it lets you make calls。

  手机不能上网、没有照相功能、也不能发短信、更不能玩游戏,这不是做梦,智能手机的“强大功能”即将退出历史舞台。新推出的 John’s Phone手机满足了“玩腻了”智能手机的人们最原始的欲望:John’s Phone手机不是彩屏、不能发短信、当不了收音机,唯一的功能就是“打电话”。

  Hailed as the world's simplest phone, it is designed to be a tongue-in-cheek 'basic backlash' by targeting users who do not want the flashy features of next-generation models。

  号称世界上“最简单”的手机John’s Phone一经问世,销售对象直接针对的就是不能忍受现代智能手机眼花缭乱功能的人群。

  Dubbed the 'anti iPhone', the ?67 device with a brightly coloured facade and big buttons resembles a toy. The phone's Dutch makers, advertising agency John Doe, are hoping it will be a hit with technophobes and children buying their first phone。

  打着“反iPhone'”广告标语的手机John’s Phone的设计风格以明快的颜色示人、超大的按键让人不免感觉该款手机有点像儿童手机玩具呢。推出手机的荷兰 John Doe Amsterdam 公司希望该机能成为全世界儿童使用手机的“第一选择”。

  The manual is only one page long and, unlike its battery-hungry smartphone counterparts, the makers of 'John's Phone' claim that a single charge will provide users with three weeks' battery life。

  有意思的是,该手机的使用手册仅仅1页纸长,而且比起智能手机更为省电,荷兰 John Doe Amsterdam 公司声称该手机电池待机时间能达到3个星期呢。


  tongue-in-cheek adj. 不认真的,半开玩笑的;不当真的


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