马克-朱克伯格: 电子邮件已被淘汰

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月18日 19:22   环球时报

  According to the Daily Mail on November 16, Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, unveiled his website's new messaging system and hailed the death of email on November 15.

  The 26-year-old said it would go the way of the letter because it was too slow and too formal。

  He showcased Facebook's own version which integrates all web and text-based communications。

  The service, perceived as a direct rival to Google's Gmail。

  Mr Zuckerberg revealed that, as rumoured, the 500million people signed up to Facebook will have access to a 'Facebook.com' email address。

  Entire conversation histories going back years will also be saved into users' accounts and spam will be completely filtered out, he claimed。

  'We don't think that a modern messaging system is going to be email,' Zuckerberg said at a press conference in San Francisco, 'We want people to be able to communicate in whatever way they choose: email, text or Facebook message.'

  Facebook's new email system is modeled on instant messaging and on-line chat and will allow people to simplify their communications。

  Texts, email or instant messages will all come into one 'feed' and users can respond in any way they want。

  One person could text a friend, for example, who will see the message come up on their Facebook page instantly and respond via an instant message or email。












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