
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月19日 10:51   沪江英语


  It was all drama at Leavesden as in March 2009, soon after Holmes’ injury, a fire started on set. The fire started during the filming of ‘a big special effects scene’ and took 40 minutes to extinguish but caused no injuries. Apparently there was no damage to the studios and the actual set was ‘due to be rebuilt anyway’ for a new battle scene in ‘Deathly Hallows’ Part 2.



  Following the enthusiastic reception of his birthday suit in ‘Equus’, Radcliffe will apparently be delighting female fans again by appearing naked in the new film. When a horcrux forces Ron to imagine his worst fears, playing on his insecurities, one of the images he sees is Harry and Hermione kissing and embracing. ‘Deathly Hallows’ Director David Yates has supposedly confirmed that at this point Harry will be nude, and that he bares all a second time at the Kings Cross scene later in the film。


  Rhys Ifans对于能出演哈利波特中的露娜的父亲,与玛姬·史密斯等大牌合作很是兴奋,不过他没读过原著,也不是波特粉丝。

  Rhys Ifans is thrilled ‘that they thought of me to play a cross-eyed wizard’ (Xenophilus Lovegood, Luna Lovegood’s father) and honoured to act alongside big name actors like Maggie Smith and Michael Gambon but admits that he hasn’t read ‘The Deathly Hallows’ book and is ‘not a big fan of Harry Potter’!


  在第一部电影里饰演小精灵的是演员中极少的美国人之一Verne Troyer,不过他在这一部中将被曾经给精灵配音的Davis取代,同时Davis也是Flitwick教授的扮演者。

  In the first film, Griphook the goblin was played by Verne Troyer, one of the few Americans in the cast, but voiced by Warwick Davis (Professor Flitwick). In ‘Deathly Hallows’ Davis is both Griphook’s body and his voice, whilst continuing to play Flitwick,



  ‘Deathly Hallows’ is the first time Brendan Gleeson and David O’Hara have acted in the same film since ‘Braveheart’ in 1995. Gleeson plays ‘Mad-Eye’ Moody and O’Hara plays Albert Runcorn – the Ministry of Magic official who Harry impersonates with Polyjuice Potion in order to enter the Ministry。


  扮演卢修斯·马尔福的Jason Isaacs以为自己第七部没什么自己的戏份,因为之前他被投入狱中了。不过和罗琳见了面,哀求出狱之后,罗琳说:“你第一章就出来了。”于是他签了第七部电影的约。

  Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy) considered not returning for this film as he feared he would have little or no time on screen, after his character was imprisoned at the end of the fifth book, but on meeting J.K. Rowling and begging to be released from prison, she told him ‘You’re out. Chapter One.’ and he signed on for ‘Deathly Hallows’。

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