史密斯儿子显星相 娱乐圈初露锋芒

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月19日 17:23   国际在线

  Willow Smith can take credit for turning "Whip My Hair" into an instant hit, but she's giving her famous family props for giving her those mad skills。

  She said: "Mommy and Daddy inspired me to be a performer. I get my flow from Daddy, my singing ability from mommy, and the camera stuff from both."

  Will and Jada must be so proud that they've churned out two of the hottest young stars around. Their oldest kid Jaden is now an actor (and friends with Justin Bieber!) and Willow says their success was in the cards. "That's just what happens when you hang with the Smiths!" she said。

  好莱坞头号黑人男星威尔-史密斯一家子星光熠熠,不光两位父母在好莱坞声名显赫,一双儿女也很好的继承了父母的演艺才华,在娱乐圈初露锋芒。儿子贾登-威尔逊今年夏天初登大银幕,与功夫巨星成龙搭档,在《功夫梦》中一展身手,而女儿薇洛-史密斯最近也风头正劲,她的首支单曲《Whip My Hair》正是当下乐坛大热,音乐录影带也引领了一阵舞蹈风潮。小妮子告诉媒体:“是父母给了我做艺人的启发与灵感,我遗传了爸爸的表演冲动,又遗传了妈妈的歌喉,至于在镜头前面的表现则是源于他们两人的基因”。


  Even though she's blowing up the charts with folks twice her age (and much older), the young star knows she's still a kid and has to act like one. She said: "I can't do whatever I want. Mommy has to say it's okay," she said。



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