新《超人》选角启动 导演力推新人

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月19日 17:25   国际在线

  The search is on for the next Superman, and a new report sheds a bit more light on the qualifications required to bring the Man of Steel back to the big screen。

  Deadline reports that Warner Bros., producer Christopher Nolan, and director Zack Snyder are casting a "wide net" for an actor to play Superman in the upcoming reboot of the movie franchise. The report echoes many of the previous qualifications rumored for potential candidates, including the studio's willingness to go after an unknown or lesser-known actor, and an age range of 28-to-32.


  The report also indicates that the studio is targeting a June 2011 start for production on the film due to the 2009 judgment that saw much of the rights to Superman revert back to creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster in 2013. The studio is also required to put a new film into production in 2011 in order to avoid owing profits to the Siegel and Schuster families。

  The report goes on to name-check many of the potential Superman actors that have been rumored over the last few months, including Armie Hammer ("The Social Network") and Joe Manganiello ("True Blood"). The report also adds "Vampire Diaries" actor Ian Somerhalder as a potential candidate, but reiterates that the schedule for the project will likely cut out television actors。

  "Mad Men" actor Jon Hamm was originally listed as a potential candidate in Deadline's report, but his name was removed in a subsequent edit of the story. Whether that means he's more or less likely to be in the mix is anybody's guess。



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