英教育宣传片过于色情遭家长质疑【导读】英国近日播放的“官方年轻人性教育宣传片《用避孕套?还是不用》”因性教育宣传过于色情激起广大家长的愤怒。 The NHS has been slammed after a video designed to encourage youngsters to use contraception was branded pornographic by outraged parents. Several short videos uploaded to the YouTube website are modelled on the Channel Four programme Skins and targeted at teenagers. But the graphic clips show a young woman having unprotected casual sex with a male in various positions while he films the trysts with a hand held camera。 英国国民卫生保健系统近日播放的“官方年轻人性教育宣传片”因画面以及主题过于色情激起广大家长的愤怒。主题为“年轻人应使用避孕套”的宣传片中,青年女子在无任何保护措施下与手持录像机的男子“以不同体位”发生性行为。 The interactive video, 'Condon, No Condom', is promoted on the NHS website and is expected to be circulated virally online and used by teachers。 教育片以《用避孕套?还是不用》为标题,已经被放到了英国民卫生保健系统的官方网站上供全英教师在线观看或下载来教育学生。 The clip shows a graphic scene where the male character has sex with the young woman against a door in a hallway. A final video portrays the outcome of not using a condom as an unfullfilling event followed by the news that the teenage boy has contracted an STD。 教育片中,男青年与女青年在一走廊的靠门处发生性行为。教育片末尾交代了因男青年未使用避孕套而感染梅毒性病的结果。 Norman Wells, the director of the Family and Education Trust, said the NHS should not be sending out the message that casual sex 'leaves no regrets'. He said: 'It is grossly irresponsible of the NHS to present a graphic portrayal of unbridled lust in which a young woman is depicted as no more that a sex object and then to tell young men that they have ''made the right choices'' simply because they have used a condom.'' 看过此片的反对者十分愤怒,他们认为该片旨在误导男性应使用避孕套进行“不负责任”的性行为,在性行为中把女性作为性行为的工具。 Vivienne Pattisson, the director of Mediawatch, said she was concerned that there were no effective controls to prevent children from watching the clips。 有专家称,虽然该片太过色情,但已经公开发行,所以目前仍旧没有有效的方法阻止孩子观看此片。 But Rachel Drummond-Hay, who produced the video for Bristol-based Omni Productions, said that a friend's 15-year-old daughter 'loved' the film and that it was intended to be 'titillating rather than pornographic'。 可笑的是,制作该教育片的负责人称:“我一朋友15岁的女儿觉得教育片很棒,看完使人亢奋而非感到色情。” Vocabulary: NHS abbr. 英国国民健康保险制度(National Health Service) unbridled adj. 放肆的;无拘束的;激烈的 网友评论
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