
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月22日 10:37   中国日报网站

  A reindeer walks on snow on in the Svalbard archipelago. The Lidl supermarket chain is under fire for selling reindeer meat in its British stores in the run-up to Christmas。

  A supermarket chain was under fire on Monday for selling reindeer meat in its British stores in the run-up to Christmas。


  Sky Perfect JSAT Corp. will broadcast the 10-episode drama about Tokyo's air traffic control centre, said Fuji Television, which produces the drama。


  "3-D will give us a more vigorous and realistic impact," said actress Ayako Kawahara, who plays the main role. "I think (viewers) can feel like they are actually in there."

  Three-dimensional technology has become increasingly mainstream with Japanese electronics makers releasing 3-D television sets, riding on the popularity of Hollywood blockbusters such as "Avatar"。

  Fuji will also launch a new midnight Sunday 3D slot on its broadcast satellite BS Fuji channel that will feature sports, documentaries and music programs. It will begin with three specials on Jan. 1, 2 and 3, and then commence regular broadcasts from Jan. 9.

  The series will be titled 3D*3D – pronounced sande sande – a play on the Japanese word for three (san) and the English word Sunday。

  Sony is partnering with Fuji, Japan’s biggest network, to produce the 3D for both series。



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