
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月22日 16:44   国际在线

  Count Anne Hathaway among the many fans of Glee。

  In fact, the actress is such a huge fan of the musical TV show she has spent hours creating her own character which she thinks writer Ryan Murphy should consider including in the series。

  The character the Hollywood star has devised would be the lesbian aunt of gay student Kurt Hummel -- who is played by Chris Colfer。


  Appearing on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon on Thursday, she revealed: “I would love to be on Glee. Can I make a confession? In my head I've written a part for myself in Glee! It's so arrogant and obnoxious, it's like, 'Ryan Murphy no one else wants to be on your show.' But in my head I've cast myself and I know which song I'd sing. I would want to play Kurt's long-lost aunt, his mother's sister who is also gay, who comes back to help him deal with his sexuality and I would sing ‘No One Is Alone’ from Stephen Sondheim's epic show Into the Woods。”

  在上周参加晚间脱口秀节目时,安妮-海瑟薇告诉主持人:“我真的非常想上《欢乐合唱团》,告诉你,脑子里我已经为自己安排好角色了,甚至都已经决定好要唱的曲目了。我想要演库尔特久未联系的亲戚,一个也是“同志”的姨妈,我会教导库尔特关于性方面的事情,我要唱《拜访森林》里的插曲《No One Is Alone》。”

  If the creators of Glee do decide to take up Anne’s story idea, she would not be the first big name star to get a cameo。

  Gwyneth Paltrow appeared as a Spanish substitute teacher in the episode which aired this week and will be a short-term character, while Britney Spears had a brief appearance in a show dedicated to her during the current season。



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