艾薇儿正式离婚 财产分配清单遭曝光

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月22日 16:55   国际在线

  After four years of marriage, Avril Lavigne and Deryck Whibley had their divorce signed off by a judge on Tuesday, more than a year since Avril filed for a legal separation。


  According to court documents obtained by gossip website TMZ, the pair signed a prenuptial agreement prior to their marriage, which saw their assets divided in half。

  Avril kept the couple's Beverly Hills mansion, her musical instruments, lyrics and songs, their Volvo car and all other pieces of jewelry, artwork, awards and items of clothing。

  Meanwhile, Deryck was entitled to his guitar collection, song catalogues, artwork, jewelry, awards and mementos。

  The prenup stipulated that neither party would be granted spousal support。


  Since splitting from the musician, the singer has been romantically linked with actor Wilmer Valderrama and oil heir Brandon Davis。

  The singer has been dating The Hills star Brody Jenner since February, and according to his co-star Audrina Patridge, the pair are "very happy together."



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