电视台主持人错过直播 一怒之下上演滑稽秀

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月23日 14:42   环球时报

  Two Chicago television anchors run into a comic paper-throwing tantrum when they missed a bridge implosion they had been covering on live television on Friday。

  Morning hosts Robin Baumgarten and Larry Potash from WGN (World's Greatest Newspaper) news spoke for three minutes about the impending explosion of the Seneca bridge over the IIllinois River. Throughout their talk, the bridge stands still in front of television viewers。

  "I think we're gonna stay with this," Baumgarten told the camera. "It's supposed to happen right at seven o'clock." Minutes later, nothing had happened and the bridge was still there. The show then cut away to the weatherman。

  However, within just seconds, the explosion happened, and the news show missed it. The program went back to the live river shot, showing the steel bridge blown up and collapsed down into the river。

  "Are you kidding me?" Baumgarten cries in mock exasperation, balling up paper and throwing it towards the camera. "We stay live for three minutes and cut away for five seconds...." She started wildly gesticulating and pounding the table with her fists while Potash stuffed paper into his mouth, chewed it up and spit it out。


  芝加哥WGN(注:全称为World's Greastest Newspaper,即“世界最伟大报纸”)新闻的两位早间主播罗宾-鲍姆加滕和拉里-波塔什就伊利诺伊河上的塞内卡桥即将被炸的消息播报了三分钟。这期间,电视画面中的桥一动不动。





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