卡梅伦夫妇访儿子生前学校 伤痛落泪

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月23日 14:48   国际在线

  Returning to the school attended by their young son Ivan, who tragically died last year, was bound to be emotional for the Camerons. And yesterday neither the Prime Minister nor his wife Samantha could hold back the tears when they visited the 'incredible place' where, they said, their disabled child spent some of his happiest times。


  Their visit was seen as a token of thanks to those Ivan had been closest to at Jack Tizard School, and the couple enjoyed an hour-long tour chatting to teachers and pupils during the opening of a new hydrotherapy pool. Mrs Cameron, 39, in a camel overcoat, grey top and grey cropped trousers, welled up as her husband described how much Ivan, who was seriously disabled, had loved swimming。

  英第一夫妇此次访问儿子生前学校Jack Tizard的目的是向那里的老师和学生表达感谢,夫妇俩亲自到埃文生前所在学校的一个水治疗法游泳池开幕仪式上与老师和学生们“聊家常”,十分平易近人。39岁的卡梅伦夫人穿着一件灰色打底衫、驼色外套、搭配一条休闲裤陪同丈夫出现在媒体面前,据悉,夫妇俩之所以会“游泳池”情有独钟,肯放下国家大事亲自来剪彩,是因为他们的儿子埃文生前十分酷爱游泳的缘故。

  'I remember how much he loved swimming and he will be looking down at that pool thinking I wish I was in there today,' the Prime Minister said. Husband and wife both had to wipe away tears from their eyes and sat in the assembly clutching each other tightly by the hand。


  Ivan was six years old when he died in February 2009. He suffered from cerebral palsy and severe epilepsy and had needed round-the-clock care. He went to Jack Tizard - a central London day school for children with severe learning difficulties aged two to 19 - for around two years。



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