美发明抗扫描内衣 裸检防走光(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月23日 15:04   中国日报网-英语点津


美发明抗扫描内衣 裸检防走光美发明抗扫描内衣 裸检防走光

  The undies, sold by Colorado company Rocky Flats Gear, feature cute fig leaf patterns over the sensitive area, with the leaves made out of material promising to "block natural and man-made radiation."

  Airline passengers worried about new security scanners filming their privates now have a way out: anti-radiation underwear。

  The undies, sold by Colorado company Rocky Flats Gear, feature cute fig leaf patterns over the sensitive area, with the leaves made out of material promising to "block natural and man-made radiation."

  That would stop harmful rays of any kind, but more to the point, the technology "insures privacy of medical and body scanner images," company website www.rockyflatsgear.com says。

  There's something for everyone in this sci-fi top drawer, ranging from the Patriot 3 Pack of men's boxer shorts to skimpier briefs and, for women, the Velvet Privacy Bra。

  The Transportation Security Administration has come under growing pressure over new scanners that show the naked contours of passengers. Passengers refusing to submit to the scan face a detailed manual search, likened by opponents to sexual groping。

  A man filmed confronting airport staff in mid-November and telling an official to keep his hands off "my junk" -- slang for genitals -- has become a YouTube folk hero。

  TSA chief John Pistole insists that there is no danger from radiation in the scans and that intensive searches are necessary to prevent increasingly imaginative bombers from boarding planes。

  "We want to work with industry to make sure we have the safest machines available. That is the bottom line. They are safe for everyday use," he told MSNBC television。


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