
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月23日 16:25   中国日报网-英语点津

  British brides are living in fear and horror that the Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal wedding could overshadow their big day。

  With the country gripped in Royal Wedding fever, many brides-to-be are filled with dread that their day in the spotlight could be overshadowed by the biggest British wedding in almost 30 years。

  As most brides know, planning for the biggest day of your life is stressful enough without having to compete with a multimillion-pound event that will consume the public for months。

  As speculation intensifies over when the Prince and his new fiancée will wed, a whole new batch of young women are ready to pitch a royal hissy fit。

  And it's not just ordinary commoners who could beupstaged. No matter what the date, William and Middleton's wedding is likely to overshadow the July 2 and 3 nuptials of Prince Albert II of Monaco and his future wife Charlene Wittstock, the former Olympic swimmer。

  "If their wedding was on my wedding day, I don't know what I would do," said Anna Whitcomb, 28, who was trying on wedding dresses at a central London department store。

  "I know all my family members and guests would want to watch the celebration and would be distracted。

  "I'm supposed to be the princess, and now I have a real princess to compete with."

  With Prince William and Kate Middleton widely expected to marry at Westminster Abbey in the spring or summer of next year, London brides have been sent into panic attacks at the prospect of transport nightmares, fully booked hotels and blanket security checks throughout the capital。

  With venues, caterers and photographers are usually booked months, if not years, in advance, and couples must put down hefty deposits on everything, cancelling plans is proving difficult。

  Chelsea Slipko, also looking for a wedding gown at the store, told the reporters: "It's like having your birthday on New Year's or your anniversary on Valentine's day. It's not just your day anymore."













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