谷歌街景拍到有人街头生孩子 旁边医院毫不知情   2010年11月28日 19:15   环球时报

  According to the Daily Telegraph on November 24, a photograph of Berlin Street View taken in the Berlin suburb of Wilmersdorf shows a woman lying in the street after apparently giving birth while a kneeling man cradles a newborn baby。

  A second woman is shown crouching to support the head of the new mother, who appears to be lying on a towel. A car is haphazardly parked next to them in the road with its door open。

  The image has created a buzz on technology blogs, but some users have speculated that it may be a prank. A German reader wrote on the Gizmodo website, "There is a hospital across the street and they have no knowledge of a birth right in front of their door. In the house is also an advertising agency that has no knowledge of a birth in front of their house."

  No one has yet claimed responsibility for the image, which Google has replaced with a new photograph of the street。

  It is the latest in a series of bizarre events to be captured on Street View. Earlier this week, a naked man was spotted climbing into the boot of his car in Mannheim, south-west Germany. In August a photograph emerged of what appeared to show a dead schoolgirl lying on the side of the road in Worcester。

  Google was forced to remove several graphic images after its Brazilian Street View service captured a string of images of dead bodies in the South American country。









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