
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月29日 12:18   国际在线

  With his unkempt hair and scruffy beard, the usually well-polished David Beckham is seemingly no longer the billboard poster for metrosexuality he once was. Sporting his unkempt look, the former England skipper appeared more caveman than the 21st Century gent famed for his dalliances with waxing and sarongs。


  The father of three arrived in Sydney today ahead of his LA Galaxy team's friendly against the Newcastle Jets on Saturday night。


  He was also looking a little jet-lagged, no thanks to the 19 hour time difference between LA and Australia。


  Making his arrival, Beckham talked shop, telling reporters that he strongly believed both Australia and the United States are more than capable of staging a successful World Cup in 2022.


  Although Beckham is currently pre-occupied with England's bid to host the event in 2018, the Los Angeles Galaxy midfielder is confident the tournament four years later would be a success if it went back to the U.S. or to Australia for the first time。


  I've only thought about our (England's) bid for 2018, that's something that we're working hard towards, something that we're very proud to be in the running to get it。


  'Everyone's got a chance to host that 2022 World Cup. Obviously the U.S. is up for it as well.'


  'Both countries could host a huge competition like the World Cup。


  'It's the biggest sporting event in the world something every country wants to host but who gets it, we'll see.'



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