亚运英语:“落幕”英文怎么说广州亚运会胜利落幕了,中国军团以199金的骄人成绩再次创造历史记录。今天,我们就来说说英语里关于“闭幕、落幕”的表达。 1. The exhibition season has ended for the Lakers。 湖人队的表演赛季已经结束。 2. We'd best get to that hotel before they ring down the curtain on the conference。 我们最好能在会议结束之前赶到那家酒店。 3. After everyone enjoyed a delicious vegetarian meal prepared by the kitchen team, the three - day activity closed。 大家享用完厨房小组精心准备的素食佳肴后,三天的活动就落幕了。 4. The event drew to a successful close, with everyone feeling joyous and happy。 活动圆满结束,每个人都很开心。 5. The fair is scheduled to close on may 30th。 交易会定于5月30日闭幕。 6. The conference has concluded successfully。 大会胜利闭幕。 7. The annual conference held by the Central Bank lowered its curtains on Sunday in Beijing。 中国人民银行年度工作会议于周日在北京闭幕。 8. The closing ceremony of the Asian Games was held on November 27. 亚运会闭幕式于11月27日举行。 网友评论企业服务 |