荷兰新推宠物狗啤酒 主人可与狗共饮(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年11月30日 17:51   环球时报
荷兰新推宠物狗啤酒 主人可与狗共饮荷兰新推宠物狗啤酒 主人可与狗共饮

  A Dutch brewer has started producing beer for the dogs and man's best friend can now join man in an ice-cold brew。


  Dog Beer is made from a special blend of beef extracts and malt, giving dogs that clean, crisp lager taste while adding some meaty goodness。

  这种狗狗啤酒"Dog Beer"结合了牛肉与麦芽的榨取物,添加上一种带肉香的东西,让狗狗可以喝上清冽冰爽的啤酒。

  A spokesman for the brewers said: "It is a beer for your best friend. For large dogs we would recommend one bottle a day and for things like a Chihuahua... well, they prefer shorts."

  Dog Beer 公司发言人称:"这款啤酒是为你最好的朋友-狗-制作的。对于大型犬我们建议每天只喝一瓶,而像吉娃娃之类的小型犬,它们只喝一点点就可以了"。

  The brew is of course, non-alcoholic。


  After enjoying some frosty suds with his pet, dog owner Wiktor Piotrowski from Poland said: "My dog loves it. Now when we go for a walk we can both go to the pub." 

  来自波兰的狗主人Wiktor Piotrowski 在购买了该啤酒后说道:"我的狗狗很喜欢这玩意,现在我可以带着它去酒吧了"。


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