哈利波特狂捞金 作者罗琳角逐奥斯卡

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月01日 10:23   国际在线

  Novelist J. K. Rowling could be in line to win an Oscar. For the first time, the author – worth an estimated ?800million – has been credited as producer on the latest film adaptation of her Harry Potter series of books. This means she could walk down the red carpet to collect an Oscar for Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 1, should the film win the Best Picture category。


  Nominations for the 83rd Academy Awards will be announced in January, ahead of the ceremony in February. The film earned more than ?210 million when it opened last weekend, and is likely to be the highest earner in the seven-film series. David Heyman, who has produced all the films, said: ‘Jo had the option of taking a producer credit as early as the fourth film, but she chose not to until the final two films.   据悉,第83届电影艺术科学院年奖(奥斯卡金像奖)提名会提前在1月份揭晓,电影《哈利·波特与死亡圣器 上》在仅仅在上周首映就迎来了“开门红”,创下了2亿1千万英镑票房奇迹,该片也是哈利波特系列以来最赚钱的一部影片了。哈利波特系列原先的制片人大卫· 海曼(David Heyman)透露:“罗琳在哈4的时候就有机会以当制片人角逐奥斯卡,但她放弃了。她选择了在大结局的时候入围。”

  'Things were coming to an end and she wanted to put her stamp on it.’However, the mother of three has always influenced production, insisting that the films be shot in Britain with an all-British cast. Rowling, 45, who was once a struggling single mother, has sold more than 400 million books worldwide since the first Harry Potter was published in 1997. Harry Potter is the most successful film franchise in history, selling ?3.7 billion worth of tickets。



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