小贝领衔豪华阵容 助英国申办世界杯

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月02日 13:49   国际在线

  Looking relaxed and upbeat, this was the moment yesterday when Three Lions came together to bring the World Cup back to England. Prince William, David Cameron and David Beckham met to discuss bid tactics in Switzerland, where football’s world governing body Fifa will tomorrow decide where the 2018 tournament will be held。


  England are believed to be lagging behind Russia and a joint bid from Spain and Portugal but Mr Cameron will press his case with each of the 22 members of the Fifa executive committee over the next 24 hours。


  Mr Cameron pointedly deflected questions about the impact of the Panorama investigation yesterday, insisting: ‘I’ve only got one focus here and that’s trying to bring the World Cup home for England.’



  tactics n. 策略;战术;用兵学


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