小贝一家健身狂 贝嫂热衷深夜跑步

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月02日 14:58   国际在线





  Victoria Beckham (Getty Images) Victoria Beckham's stay-fit tricks never vary: The fashionista hits the treadmill every morning to maintain her slender figure。

  She said: “I run four or five miles every day on the treadmill. For me I like the fact I can get off whenever I want … I’ve also started seeing a trainer at the gym and he’s fantastic. Brutal, but absolutely fantastic。”

  Although her husband David Beckham shares his wife’s passion for keeping fit, he doesn’t enjoy pounding a treadmill。

  The soccer superstar admires Victoria’s commitment to exercise but he prefers to run and get somewhere for his efforts。

  In a joint interview with his 36-year-old partner for InStyle magazine, he said: “Victoria’s obsessed with working out. She’s in the gym every morning … But I hate running and not getting anywhere. I like to be outside. I like to run on the roads late at night. When I’ve got the day off, I’ll go to the gym with Victoria. There’s this amazing gym in Santa Monica we go to。”

  Despite being prepared to hit the gym daily, Victoria accepts she will never be able to compete with 35-year-old David’s fitness levels because he has to stay in shape for his sports career。

  The brunette beauty said: “I’m not going to compete with him -- are you kidding me? Come on. He has an amazing body. He doesn’t have any fat on him at all。”


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