帕丁森女友遭揩油狂吃醋 狼人成情敌

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月02日 16:48   国际在线

  罗伯特-帕丁森与克里斯汀-斯图尔特这对银幕内外的情侣刚被杂志《InStyle》评选为“最有型的情侣”,而现在“暮光”粉丝们又可以将他们称作为是 “最可爱的情侣”了。最近,MTV电视台的网站发布了《暮色3:月食》DVD的幕后花絮,主要是主演们的关于所作的随片评论,内容相当有“笑料”,在评论 “伊莎贝拉以雅各布相拥”的片段中,罗伯特与克里斯汀笑得个不可支,“吸血鬼”帕丁森不忘“挖苦”他在片中的“狼人”情敌,说:“天哪,他可真恶心,如此的明目张胆,我真的很不爽雅各布”。听到男友这般“醋意十足”发牢骚,斯图尔特也逗趣的插话,说道:“看来狼人精力旺盛年轻热情得有点过了头”。

  They were just named Most Stylish Couple by InStyle magazine, and now Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart give their fans a taste of why they should be named cutest couple too。

  MTV recently posted a clip from the “Eclipse” DVD with the “Twilight” stars' commentary bantering back and forth about the scene。

  In the video, the two real-life lovers are heard giggling over a scene in which Bella is nestled in Jacob’s arms。

  Throwing a jab at his nemesis in the film, Pattinson's Edward Cullen character then says, "God, he's so gross, so brazen. I really don't like Jacob."


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