“哈利波特”捞金有术 跻身英国富豪榜

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月03日 11:59   国际在线

  She has earned more at the tender age of 20 than most of us can imagine making in a lifetime. But despite having more than ?20million to her name, Emma Watson has only made it to third place in a list charting the wealthiest British stars aged 30 and under – with her Harry Potter co-star Daniel Radcliffe beating her to the top spot。


  Miss Watson’s fortune has come primarily from her role as Hermione Granger in the seven films, topped up by a contract as the face of Burberry and modelling work for Chanel. But Radcliffe, 21, is estimated to have made more than ?45.6million from playing the boy wizard, as well as starring in West End and Broadway productions such as Equus。


  The success of teenage vampire films the Twilight Saga has seen 24-year-old Robert Pattinson become a multi-millionaire, earning ?18.5million in just a few years。

  在该排行榜中,我们还见到了熟悉的吸血鬼电影《暮光之城》中的男主角24岁的Robert Pattinson,他以1850万英镑的成绩被纳入英国年轻富豪排行榜中。


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