英企推出15L超大版内裤 重286公斤才能穿

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月03日 18:49   环球时报
英企推出15L超大版内裤 重286公斤才能穿英企推出15L超大版内裤 重286公斤才能穿

  According to the Mirror on December 2, Britain Big Bloomers Company set up by mother and daughter Dianne and Laura has now produced underwear up to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL for 45-stone (286kg)women who have a 8.75ft waistline. They went on sale last week and have already proved to be a huge hit with around 100 customers snapping them up。

  据《镜报》网站12月2日报道,英国一家由黛安与劳拉母女俩合办的内衣裤公司“The Big Bloomers” 目前生产出一款尺寸是“XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL”(15L)的内裤,这款内裤是专门为体重45英石(约286公斤),腰围是8.75英尺的女性设计的。这款内裤上周开始推向市场,受到了极大地欢迎,大约有100位顾客想要订购。


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